Having Magento store pickup enabled in your online store is a great way to give your customers the convenience of picking up their items from a local store. With this feature, you can create multiple stores and manage and edit all of your points of sales. You can also customize the checkout experience to your liking.

Customize the checkout experience
Using Magento store pickup, your customers can get their items without leaving your site. This reduces the cost of delivery and offers a more convenient shopping experience. This extension is especially helpful for offline stores. It works with a BOPIS system to enable in- store pickup.
The Magento 2 store locator and pickup module shows your physical store’s address,
contact information, and store hours. In addition, you can choose to show several stores on
the checkout page. In addition, you can also configure pickup times. This feature helps to
increase conversions.
Besides, the One Step Checkout extension for Magento makes the checkout process faster
and easier. It is highly customizable and gives you access to analytics, analytics reports, and
customer insights. It also streamlines the checkout process by showing the remaining fields
on the same page. This leads to a better experience for the user and more conversions.
The extension is compatible with all Magento 2 custom templates. In addition, it has a lot of
features like customer ID detection, Find Me, social login, gift cards, and coupon codes. It
also integrates Google Maps’ address suggestion and provides a newsletter subscription
The Pickup@Store extension adds the option to show your store’s address, description,
store hours, price, and a link to the store’s web site. You can also add your own CSS
overrides to customize the checkout page.
The Enhanced Checkout Shipping Insights extension is another great way to add additional
data to the checkout page. You can view carrier and packing data, user selected shipping
methods, and dispatch and delivery data. This is useful for analyzing your shipping and
delivery processes. You can also create your own custom integrations and build your own
Create multiple stores
Using Magento store pickup, you can set up multiple stores and manage multiple retailers. You can also show all products in a single store and create your own custom attributes for your stores. Moreover, you can create store views with different categories, product descriptions, and custom content on each page.
When a customer selects the Magento store pickup option during checkout, a map will be displayed and the pickup location will be saved against the order. You can add the pickup location on the checkout page, on the cart page, or on any other page in your store.You can define a pickup store name, latitude, and longitude. You can also add contact
information for the store. You can set pickup days, hours, and holidays. You can choose a
shipping method and handling fee. You can also add an error message. The handle fee can
be a percentage or a fixed amount.
You can also use a dropdown to choose a pickup location. You can use MSI Distance
algorithm to calculate the distance. You can set a specific range in kilometers for the nearest
pickup stores. You can also use a By Condition value to specify conditions.
When a user selects the Magento store pickup option during checkout, the pickup store is
displayed on the frontend of the customer order details section. The pickup store owner will
be notified of the order and will receive an email.
You can also edit the store’s name, description, and latitude. You can also add a store’s
postcode. You can also enable or disable the Urgent Closed option. You can also add an
email address and mobile number.

Display them on a guided Google map
Using Magento 2 Google Maps extension, you can display your store pickup on a guided Google map. This will help your customers to find nearby stores. It also allows customers to get driving directions to the store. This feature is highly useful and should be used by all business owners.
This extension also offers a feature that lets you change the default map view. You can also
add a custom link to your site. Whenever a customer clicks on the link, they will be shown
the map. You can change the zoom level as well.
You can also create offline store listings. These listings can be added to your website or
placed on your cart page. They can include graphics, icons, and full information about the
location. You can also display a link to the Google map.
You can also change the contact details and working hours for the store. You can set an
accurate address, email address, and telephone number. You can also define pickup dates
and times. You can also set up a handling fee. You can use a percentage or a fixed amount.
You can also customize the design of the store locator page. You can choose to show the
map as a full-width view, or you can use a static width. This will help you to increase the
viewer experience.
You can also add multiple stores to the pickup location list. You can also set the radius of the
store search. This will enable you to filter the results. You can also reschedule pickups. You
can also add a new holiday. You can even set the error message.
Select Offline Calculation against the Provider field
Using the Magento store pickup wizards, you can save your customers time and money. The best part is that you can configure the store pick-up wizards to your liking. As a matter of fact, you can even configure your stores to pick up from other stores. With the help of these wizards of magic you can streamline your ecommerce business by allowing your customers to have a fun and exciting shopping experience. The benefits of the Magento store pickup wizards include the ability to track multiple orders in an easy to read grid. The latest version of the wizards of magic also includes a few nifty features including the ability to configure an unlimited number of store locations. You can even allow your customers to choose which store location they wish to pick up their order from, a feature formerly only found in large retail chains. With the Magento store pickup wizards you can finally enjoy a hassle free shopping experience without having to leave your home or office.
Manage and edit all of your points of sales
Using the Magento store pickup feature, you can manage and edit all points of sale on your online store. This includes the availability of products, inventory and customer groups. The feature works for registered and guest users. It also helps you reduce the costs of shipping, improve your overall purchase experience and increase your sales.
You can choose between curbside or in-store pickup. The extension will also notify you of
your order status by email. The notification will include detailed instructions. You can use the
one-time verification code to confirm that the pickup has taken place.
You can use the Google Map to determine the distance between the store and the
customer’s location. You can show the distance in miles or kilometers. The pickup location
can be selected by a drop-down list or directly on the map. You can also define contact
details, working hours and a complete address. You can put the options on the cart page and
on the checkout page.