With Magento 2 Store Pickup Extension, you can offer your customers an option to pick up their orders from the nearest store. Your customers can view the pickup store on Google Maps and choose a convenient time and place to collect their packages. This option offers added flexibility and convenience to your shipping process and improves your customers’ shopping experience. The extension also allows you to define your pickup location’s longitude and latitude coordinates and working hours.
The Magento 2 store pickup extension is a fantastic feature that allows customers to pick up their products from an offline location. The extension allows customers to search for stores near them and then choose the location that they want to pick up the product from. The customer will then be provided with a shipping address and pick up date. This saves both time and money on shipping.
The Magento 2 store pickup extension can help you increase customer trust and generate
more sales by offering a pick-up service. It also makes the shopping experience more
convenient for customers. With this extension, customers will be able to view the pickup
location on Google Maps and choose a time that is convenient for them. The extension also
allows you to import your store’s data, which will make it easier for your customers to pick up
their items.
This module also provides the ability to create multiple pickup locations. This means that you
can set different locations for different pickup services. You can select a city, state, or
province, as well as a country, to customize the pickup locations. In addition, you can specify
whether your store is open or closed. The extension also includes the option to let
consumers know how much time it takes to pick up their items.
This extension also allows you to list multiple retail locations and resellers. It helps you
manage the stores easily. By adding each store via a map, you can add store details and a
notice stating that they are available for pick-up. This feature will also increase foot traffic to
your physical location, which will help you make more sales.
One of the most useful features of the Magento 2 store pickup extension is the ability to let
customers select a time and date for pick-up. This extension will save customers time and
money by providing them with a convenient way to pick up their purchases. Another great
feature is that it allows customers to browse through stores by state or distance, and see
their hours.
The Magento 2 store locator and pickup extension can help your customers make a better
shopping experience. This module will allow customers to pick up their purchases from a
store near them, without having to pay shipping. Moreover, it lets store merchants import as
many stores as they want, and disable stores that are not available for pickup. The Magento
2 store locator and pickup extension will also give you the power to integrate a coupon code
in order to increase customer satisfaction.
The Magento 2 store pickup extension provides a convenient method to allow customers to choose the best store to pick up their purchases. With this extension, you can customize the pickup locations for your products by adding a custom static block to your store’s homepage. This block will only be visible when an order is placed using the Pickup method. You can also choose whether to send an email confirming the pickup location to the customer after placing an order. Moreover, the extension can sort stores according to their distance from the customer’s location.
You can configure the store pickup extension for each store location individually or globally. Among other things, you can define a default handling fee for all pickup locations or set a fee for a specific store location. You can also customize the minimum time required for a customer to pick up an order and a backorder.You can add as many stores as you want, or use only one. Magento 2 Store Pickup allows
customers to pick up their orders from the store nearest to them. You can specify the pickup
store hours and their address, and the location’s latitude and longitude coordinates are
displayed. You can also define the working hours and contact information for each pickup
The Magento 2 store pickup extension has many features. It provides a mobile-friendly user
interface, and is SEO-friendly. It also lets you customize your store detail page and edit meta
tags and URL details. Besides, this extension lets you configure your store’s vacation mode
and add multiple stores. This extension also allows you to add a store to your list and
manage orders.
When it comes to setting up the pickup locations, you can customize the message that your
customers receive after selecting their preferred store. You can include an unavailability
message or a title message. You can also select the countries to allow pickup. When the
customer selects the final configurations, the pop-up will show the associated products.
The Magento 2 store pickup extension also offers the ability to create multiple pickup stores
for a store. The admin can also schedule pickups for specific products and set store timings
for each store. For example, if you have a store in several cities, you can set the location for
each store to minimize shipping costs. Using this extension, you can also allow your
customers to choose a store nearest to their location.

The extension allows the user to choose a pickup location directly from the map. The user can also choose a location using a drop-down or radio button. Once selected, the pick-up location will be saved against the order. It will also be displayed on the frontend order detail section. In addition, the pick-up store owner will be notified of the order. This extension has no cost associated with its use. It can be placed on a cart page, checkout page, or any other page that allows customers to select a location for pickup.
The Magento 2 store pickup extension offers a number of advanced features that will
enhance your online shopping experience. Its features include an attractive and mobile-
friendly user interface, a variety of configuration options, and SEO-friendly URL details.
Additionally, the module enables store managers to create custom attributes for their online
store. These attributes help customers narrow down their search results and choose the
store that is most convenient for them.
The Store Pickup extension supports multiple languages. It allows store merchants to select
countries where they want to provide pickup services. They can also set a custom title and
unavailability message for each country.
The Store Pickup module adds a new shipping option, allowing customers to choose where they want to pick up their orders. It allows you to add as many stores as you wish, and it can also be used to restrict the number of pickup stores. This feature works in both offline and online modes.
After you install the Pickup@Store extension, make sure you enable it on your store’s
backend. If the Pickup method is enabled in your store, the customer will be able to choose
the date and time of their pickup. The system will also show the pick-up time and store name
on the checkout page. You can also choose to send a separate order confirmation email to
your customer. The Pickup@Store extension also allows you to set specific payment
methods to use when a customer orders products.
Once you’ve installed the Magento 2 store pickup extension, you’re ready to set up the
store’s pickup locations. You can add and edit contact details for pickup stores, including
email addresses and mobile numbers. You can also specify the country, state, province, and
city where the pickup location is located. You can also set up the name and the description
of the pickup store, and add additional locations.
Store Pickup is a powerful extension for Magento 2 that makes it easy for customers to place
their orders online and pick them up offline. The convenience of this extension can make
your shopping experience faster and more convenient. It also increases your store’s foot
traffic, allowing you to make more sales.